- Marvel Mystery Comics (1939 Timely) # 4 CGC ConservedMarvel Mystery Comics #4 is a pivotal issue from the Golden Age of comics, published in 1940, ...$47,500
- Blue Ribbon Comics (1939 MLJ Magazines) # 21 CGCHighlight!$45,000
- Captain America Comics (1941, Timely) # 2 CGC CGCxJSA Authentic AutographOwn a piece of comic book history with this rare Captain America Comics #2, featuring a ...$30,000
- Pep Comics (1940 MLJ) # 34 CGCStep back into the Golden Age of comics with Pep Comics #34, a rare and iconic issue from 1942. ...$27,000
- Negro Romance (1950 Fawcett) # 1 CGCHighlight!$26,000
- Ghost Comics (Fiction House, 1951) # 6 CGCGhost Comics #6 is a captivating issue from the pre-Code horror era, published in 1952 by ...$20,000
- Great Comics (Great Comics Pub 1942) # 3 CGC$20,000
- Young Allies (1942 Timely) # 1 CGCYoung Allies #1, published in 1941 by Timely Comics (now Marvel Comics) introduces the Young ...$19,000
- Fight Against Crime (Story Comics) # 6 CGCHighest Graded Copy$16,000
- Zip Comics (1940 MLJ) # 18 CGC$15,000
- Pep Comics (1940 MLJ) # 16 CGC$13,500
- Gem Comics (1945 Spotlight) # 1 CGCHighlight!$13,500
- Batman (1940 1st Series DC) # 59 CGCBatman #59 features the first appearance of Deadshot (Floyd Lawton), one of Batman’s most ...$13,000
- Pep Comics (1940 MLJ) # 23 CGC$13,000
- Captain America Comics (1941, Timely) # 16 CGC$12,000
- More Fun Comics (DC 1940) # 66 CGC$11,500
- Fighting Yank (1942 Nedor) # 23 CGCHighlight!$11,200
- Astonishing (Atlas, 1951) # 30 CGC$10,500
- Dark Mysteries # 16 CGC$10,500
- Marvel Tales (1949, Atlas) # 97 CGC$10,500
- Startling Terror Tales (Star. 1954) # 10 CGCHighest Graded Copy$10,500
- Sad Sack Comics (1949 Harvey Publications) # 1 CGC$10,000
- Batman (1940 1st Series DC) # 4 CGC CGCxJSA Authentic Autograph$10,000
- Thing (1952 Charlton) # 12 CGC$10,000
- Boy Comics (1942) # 10 CGC$8,800
- Young Allies (1942 Timely) # 4 CGC$8,800
- Adventure Comics (1938 1st Series DC) #214 CGCHighest Graded Copy$8,750
- Blue Beetle (1939 Fox) # 52 CGC$8,400
- Weird Tales of the Future (1952 Aragon) # 1 CGCHighlight!$8,400
- Frankenstein (1945, Prize) # 19 CGC$8,000
- Strange Fantasy (Ajax, 1952) # 4 CGCHighest Graded Copy$8,000
- Spirit (1944 Quality) # 22 CGCThe Spirit #22 is a classic issue from Will Eisner's groundbreaking series, showcasing the ...$42,824 - $8,000
- Four Color (Series 2) # 282 CGCHighest Graded Copy$8,000
- Shadow Comics (1940 Street & Smith) V1 # 4 CGC$8,000
- Power Comics (1944 Holyoke) # 2 CGC$8,000
- Wings (1940, Fiction House) # 90 CGCHighest Graded Copy$8,000
- All Select Comics (1943 Timely) # 6 CGC$8,000
- Mystic Comics (1940 Timely) # 4 CGC$8,000
- Sub-Mariner Comics (1948, Timely) # 14 CGC$8,000
- Mystic Comics (1944 2nd series Timely) # 2 CGC$7,400
- Sub-Mariner (1954, Atlas) # 36 CGC$7,138
- Action Comics (1938 1st series DC) #186 CGCHighest Graded Copy$7,137
- Adventures into the Unknown (1948 ACG) # 27 CGCHighest Graded Copy$7,137
- Lawbreakers Suspense Stories (1953 Charlton) # 11 CGC$6,800
- Mysterious Adventures (1951, Story Comics) # 8 CGCHighest Graded Copy$6,750
- Space Action (Ace, 1952) # 1 CGC$6,750
- Batman (1940 1st Series DC) # 52 CGC$6,750
- Out of the Night (ACG, 1952) # 13 CGCHighest Graded Copy$6,750
- Dynamic Comics (1941 Chesler) # 11 CGC$6,750
- Top Notch (1939 MLJ) # 2 CGC$6,700
Showing 1112 results
Showing 1112 results for "CGC Golden Age"